Services - Concrete Footings

Construction Using Concrete Footings.

Concrete footings transfer the structural loads from the building to the earth. While footings are not a visual component of a finished structure, they are critical to the structural integrity of the building. Experience and attention to detail are key to getting the project "out of the ground" correctly. We at Authentic Construction Ltd. are specialists in the forming and pouring of this structural component.

Most Common Footing Designs:

  • Spread footing
    Upside down “T” shape
  • Stepped footing
    Stair-like design spreads out load
  • Trench footing
    Shallow trench filled with concrete

Concrete Footings Contractor in Toronto

Footings 101

Think of the footing as part of the foundation construction of the building you intend to erect, whereby you create an attachment point between the foundation and the soil. Concrete material is placed into a trench which aids in supporting the building and preventing settling.

Authentic Construction Ltd. typically uses concrete footings to provide support for projects that include decks, pergolas, retaining walls and other types of construction projects. When put under immense loading, concrete tends to be prone to cracking and breaking which is why footings are important.

Authentic Construction Ltd. as an experienced footings contractor would place vertical and horizontal steel reinforcements as part of the footing building process. 

As well as providing a level platform for concrete forms, footings spread out the weight of the house so the soil can carry the load. The load spreads out within the footing itself at about a 45-degree angle, then spreads out in the soil at a steeper angle, 60-degrees from the horizontal.

Project Information Request

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Type of Project
ICF Installation
  • ICF Installation
  • Concrete Slabs & Stairs
  • Footings
  • Framing
  • Structural Steel Installation
  • Waterproofing Systems & Weepers
  • Window & Door Installation
  • Construction/Project Management
  • ICF Swimming Pool
Require Design & Construction?
Not Sure
Do You Have Permits?
In Progress

With our project management design build services your Concrete Footing project is managed by us from start to finish.

Your Concrete Footings Questions - FAQ

How deep should footings be?

First, you should consider the soil's bearing capacity. The lower the bearing capacity the wider the footing should be. Typically concrete footings would extend to a minimum 12 inch depth below previously undisturbed soil. Footings also must extend at least 12 inches below the frost line (the depth to which the ground freezes in winter) or must be frost-protected.


What are the most common types of footings?

In general, there are four types of shallow foundation:

  • Individual footing or isolated footing.
  • Combined footing.
  • Strip foundation.
  • Raft or mat foundation.

Most common footing for residential construction?

Individual footing or an isolated footing is the most common type of foundation used for building construction. This foundation is constructed for a single column and also called a pad foundation.

Difference between footing and foundation?

The footing is what's actually in contact with the ground, while the foundation is the structure that transfers the load to the earth. A simple way to visualize the difference when comparing it to the human body would be to view the footing as the actual feet of the legs and the foundation being the legs themselves.

Why is concrete footing important in construction?

The bottom part of a foundation is called the footing. Footings in construction are critical, as the footing distributes the weight of the building evenly across the entire structure so that it doesn't sink into the ground.

Get started with the best ICF Concrete Footings Contractor in Toronto.

The reliability of ICF for insulation, airtight envelopment, and the thermal mass flow of the concrete allow for an energy-efficient structure in both warm and cold climates in Canada. Authentic Construction Ltd. has decades of experience with ICF. Get in touch today to bring your project to life.